Jedox training course “Business Logic Expert” (481)

Rule based calculation on cube cells

Expand your knowledge in modelling Jedox databases and learn how to use calculation logic in this course.

Ilgums: 2 dienas


Pēc šī kursa studenti varēs:

– Implement business logic into a data model

– Use rule templates and semi-additive measures

– Analyze the effects of business logic on the performance


This course is directed at users who want to enhance their Jedox database models with real time calculation

Kurss iekļauj

  • Rules Basics, Concepts and Element notation
  • Jedox OLAP Server Browser
  • Restricting the target area, cube reference and using attributes
  • Rule Template and Query Based Rule
  • Rule Template Currency Conversion, Extended Measure Calculation and Version Calculation (Blending)
  • Working with logic queries, Boolean values and constants and semi-additive measures
  • Event-driven calculation – Push rules
  • Performance measurement


Participation in course 251 Database Specialist and 356 Integration Professional or equivalent knowledge

Lai gūtu panākumus, dalībniekiem ir jābūt šādām priekšzināšanām:

  • Ability to create cubes, dimensions, elements and attributes
  • Safe handling of data views
  • Knowledge about common Jedox functions like PALO.DATA
  • Ability to understand and adapt ETL processes