Rule based calculation on cube cells
Expand your knowledge in modelling Jedox databases and learn how to use calculation logic in this course.
Ilgums: 2 dienas
Pēc šī kursa studenti varēs:
– Implement business logic into a data model
– Use rule templates and semi-additive measures
– Analyze the effects of business logic on the performance
This course is directed at users who want to enhance their Jedox database models with real time calculation
Kurss iekļauj
- Rules Basics, Concepts and Element notation
- Jedox OLAP Server Browser
- Restricting the target area, cube reference and using attributes
- Rule Template and Query Based Rule
- Rule Template Currency Conversion, Extended Measure Calculation and Version Calculation (Blending)
- Working with logic queries, Boolean values and constants and semi-additive measures
- Event-driven calculation – Push rules
- Performance measurement
Participation in course 251 Database Specialist and 356 Integration Professional or equivalent knowledge
Lai gūtu panākumus, dalībniekiem ir jābūt šādām priekšzināšanām:
- Ability to create cubes, dimensions, elements and attributes
- Safe handling of data views
- Knowledge about common Jedox functions like PALO.DATA
- Ability to understand and adapt ETL processes